Frequently Asked Questions

What is permanent makeup?

Permanent make-up, also known as micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, is a cosmetic procedure to create long-lasting eyeliner, lipliner/colour or eyebrow definition. It is a state-of-the-art technique which implants pigment in between the epidermis and dermis layer of the skin.

Will it hurt?

Absolutely not. Some clients have described the treatment as slight scratching sensation. I use a topical numbing cream which I apply to the skin before the treatment takes place. This makes the treatment more comfortable. I also continue to add a numbing gel during the treatment to help maintain that comfortable experience. It is not unusual for clients to fall asleep during the treatments.

Do I need a patch test?

Yes. If you have not had a procedure done by me then you need a patch test 24-48 hours before the first treatment. I perform a patch test during your consultation. I will test the pigment as well as the topical anaesthetic.

What can I expect during my consultation? 

We will discuss your individual needs and expectations and review your medical history prior to any procedure. This usually takes around 30 minutes. Together we will discuss the brow shape which may best flatter and frame your face, how best to enhance your eyes or lips and which colour selections will work best with your skin’s undertones. Once I have assessed your suitability and explained the procedure I do a patch test. Now we wait 24-48 hours after the patch test and if you have no reactions to the pigment and anaesthetic then you able to return for your first treatment.

What is the process during the first session and how long does it take?

Once the patch test is successful, you will return for the initial treatment session, which takes between 2-3 hours. We will agree on the shape, color, and desired effect of your treatment at the beginning of the session, allowing you to relax and look forward to the big reveal! After this, we will meet again in six weeks for the six-week top-up. A&D ointment will be provided to you after your procedure and I will carefully discuss any aftercare. 

Do I need a six week top up?

It is advised that you return for a six week top up. The top up is when refinements are made, and generally speaking the session is shorter than the initial treatment session. The cost of the top up is included in the first initial treatment cost.

Is permanent makeup really permanent?

We call it permanent, or semi-permanent, because the pigments stay within the epidermis of the skin, however the pigment colour can fade over time. Depending on client’s lifestyle and how well their maintenance is of the treatment area the colour can last anywhere between 1-3 years, or even longer. Even as the colour fades you will still have the shape and colour there slightly, which is why we advise a colour top up every 1-2 years.

How long will it last – is it really permanent?

The process is considered permanent (or semi-permanent) because the pigment is implanted into the skin’s dermal layer, so it cannot be washed off although it will lighten over time. How long it lasts depends on each person as the skin, age, health, lifestyle, metabolism is so different for each individual. Environmental factors such as skin care routines and exposure to the sun impacts the longevity of the pigment. While permanent makeup can last for several years, colour boosts are recommended every 1 to 3 years. It is useful to have a review session at the 12 months stage to assess when a refresh session might be needed. A colour boost session puts back any needed definition, shape and colour

How will it change over time?

The pigments I use are made by Tina Davies & Permablend, so they are lightfast, which means they will fade to lighter shades over time rather than change colour.
When pigments used in permanent makeup are not lightfast, they can change to an undesirable colour. Pigment colours (for example, red, yellow, and blue for brown pigment) fade at different rates leaving pink or blue tone eyebrows. You should always ask your permanent makeup artist what pigments they use and how they perform over time. The artist should be able to provide you with the names of the pigments used. It is also important to ask for a patch test to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Lastly, you should always opt for lightfast pigments for the best long-term results.

What makes Tina Davies pigment last longer than other PMU pigments?

All of the colours are highly concentrated. The higher the concentration the more saturation in the skin, the more saturation, the longer it will last. The pigment ingredients are comprised of the absolute highest quality pigments with the highest lightfastness rating for maximum colour stability and performance.

What is a lightfastness rating?

Lightfastness refers to the chemical stability of a pigment under long exposure to light. As a source of energy, light can cause colour and chemical changes in many pigments. As Tina Davies Read more about lightfastness here.

How will I know what will suit me?

Following our discussion, I will recommend shape, colour, and technique. Your colouring, features, and desired effect all contribute to the perfect solution for you. The pigments by Tina Davies work well with all hair and skin colour.

How do you know what colour to use? 

The colour of your eyebrow hair can change, even if you do not colour it, so it is recommended that you choose a colour that is similar to that of your existing brow hair. We will discuss the colour in detail at your consultation

How do you know how to shape my brows? 

I love this part of the process. Designing eyebrows is one of my favourite things to do! Firstly, we will discuss the different eyebrow techniques and which one is best for you. Next, I will look at the overall shape of your face and existing brows (if any) and I will draw a custom brow design for you. Once I have a “template” drawn on I will continue to reshape the drawing until you love and approve the shape. The design of the brows are created with the collaboration of the client’s approval and the technicians expertise

I have had my brows tattooed by someone else, can I still have my brows done by you? 

If you have had your brows tattooed by another artist, we can discuss this in your consultation.

May I still wear my contact lenses if I have my eyeliner tattooed? 

If you wear contacts, please remove them prior to your appointment and bring your glasses with you. It is best to wait 24-48 hours before you resume wearing your contacts. Putting your contacts in immediately after your procedure can increase the chance of infection. Additionally, if pigment is trapped under your contact, it can cause a corneal abrasion. So best to leave the contacts at home for a few days.

If I wear eyelash extensions, can I still have permanent eyeliner? 

Absolutely no fake lashes allowed. 
Because there is an increased risk of infection you cannot have your eyeliner tattooed if you have eyelash extensions on. Please be sure to remove your extensions about one week prior to your procedure and do not reapply them for at least two weeks after your final procedure (after the six week top up).

What if I am using Latisse, can I still get an eyeliner procedure? 

Latisse – or similar, is prescribed medication that helps the growth of eyelash hair growth. You may still get a permanent eyeliner procedure, though it is very important that you stop using it at least 6 weeks before having a permanent eyeliner procedure. Any type of lash serum will increase pain and bleeding during the procedure which will decrease pigment retention. Additionally, avoid using Latisse (or serum) at least one month after you have completed your final procedure (six week top up). 

How will I be protected from COVID-19?

I have passed the COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control course, as well as all other infection prevention assessments. I am following all relevant government guidelines. The treatment room is always disinfected between clients, and I always use new single use, disposable equipment.

What ingredients are used in your pigments and are they vegan and cruelty free?

The ingredients are a combination of powdered pigments, glycerin, witch hazel, aqua, rosin, benzyl alcohol, and isopropyl alcohol. They are gamma-ray sterilized, vegan and cruelty-free. All information about the pigments can be found on the Tina Davies information page here.

Are there any side-effects?

Immediately following the treatment there may be some redness, tenderness and slight to moderate swelling to the treated area which usually disappears by the next morning. In the days following the treatment there may be some scabbing and flaking of the skin.
Immediately following the eyeliner treatment there can be some minor swelling and slight redness to the treated area which has usually disappeared by the next morning. It is possible tiny flakes of pigment may come off in the following days.
Following your treatment you will be fine to drive home, return to work and go about your usual activities for the rest of the day.

Can I have permanent eyebrows if I have had Botox? 

Absolutely! However, Botox can alter the placement of your natural eyebrows, so it is advised to have your brows done before having Botox. We recommend waiting at least two weeks after your brow procedure before having your Botox. 

What if I am planning to have plastic surgery? 

Depending on the type of surgery you are planning to have, it’s usually better to complete that before the PMU treatment. It is recommended to wait until you are completely healed from the surgery before your PMU procedure. That way once all possible swelling, healing and adjustments are finalised, we can assess if permanent makeup is the right solution for you.  

Who is permanent makeup designed for? 

Permanent makeup is perfect for anyone who desires freedom from daily makeup application. Permanent makeup is ideal for anyone wanting to add definition and colour to their features for a natural and effortless look. They are particularly effective for athletes, and those whose oily skin tends to shed or smear makeup easily, or those that tend to travel to hot countries a lot. PMU can provide guaranteed smear free makeup. Additionally, people with little time to apply and reapply makeup will see the wonderful convenience of its application. 
Those with allergies to conventional makeup, eyesight problems, or who suffer from arthritis or shaky hands will no longer have to worry about applying their own makeup. 
Anyone who suffers from alopecia, light or thinning eyelashes, or who no longer have eyebrows due to a health condition may seek permanent makeup as an effective solution. 
There are many choices depending on what you want. Whether you suffer from arthritis, vision problems, or simply have a hard time just applying your makeup, permanent makeup is your answer. 

Can those with darker skin get PMU?

Yes, absolutely. However, as part of the consultation we will determine if your skin type is Keloid-prone. If it is then I won’t be able to proceed with the treatment.

What are Keloids and why can we not perform PMU?

Keloids are a type of raised scar that occurs on the skin after a wound has healed. Keloids develop when scar tissue continues to form after the skin healing process ends. They are more common in people of African, Asian, and Hispanic descent. The PMU procedure involves penetrating the skin with the needle, causing skin injury to help implant the pigment. Because of this, there is a high risk for those that are Keloid-prone ending up with scars on the treatment area which may impact the results. There is a risk of it healing raised, darker than intended and has a risk of expanding outside the treatment area, so the client won’t have the desired look they initially wanted. As the healing process of Keloid-prone skin is unpredictable, this therefore means I cannot perform cosmetic tattooing.  

Is the procedure safe? 

Strict sterilisation guidelines are followed for every procedure in accordance with all government regulations and standards. Although it’s very rare, it is important to test for allergies before the treatment which means I will never perform PMU on a client without having a patch test done by me first.  All needles and microblades that I use are pre-sterilised and single use (disposable). I use new needles and microblades for every treatment. I follow all tattoo infection control guidelines as per my training to minimise the risk of infection. I also cover medication history in the consultation.  

Can I go for a holiday after? 

No direct sunlight on the treated area for 2 weeks. After the healing process has been completed and you are in a sunny location, it is recommended to wear sunscreen on your permanent makeup. This will ensure longevity of the colour.

Can I wear makeup before or after the appointment? 

Yes before you can, because we will clean the around the treatment area. After treatment you can wear makeup on the face but you must not put any makeup on the treated area for at least 5-7 days after the procedure.

Can I go swimming afterwards? 

Yes, you can go swimming but you must not get them wet by chlorinated water or sea water at least until the healing process has completed.

How long is the healing? 

About 2 weeks but everyone is different. It can be less or more. You will know it’s healed once the itchy/scabbing has stopped, and the colour has come back through.

Do I have to buy a cream? 

No, I will provide A&D ointment and will give you your aftercare instructions after the treatment.

What discounts are available? 

You can get discounted treatments if you opt for a bundle package.

What happens if my brows end up too dark? 

This is unlikely going to happen. I am careful when it comes to choosing the colour. I can go for super light and super soft if you wish. And darken them later during the touch ups if you decide you would like them a little darker. 

Can I get permanent makeup if I’m on medication? 

It depends on what type of medication it is, and I will need to know at the time of the procedure.

Can I tint my eyebrows prior to the brow micro pigmentation? 

Please avoid tinting your brows before the treatment, as it is important to go for a pigment close to your natural colour. Please also do not wax, thread or tweezer eyebrows beforehand so we can see your brows as natural as possible. Try to avoid depilatory procedures 5-7 days before.

Can I use Retinols/Retin-A “s? 

No. No anti-aging creams or serums (that contain acids) should be used on the treated area for at least 1 month prior to the appointment.

What if I smoke?

It is recommended that you don’t smoke after your treatment, especially if your treatment was on the lips, at lest 24 hours after. If you can, we also recommend to try and not smoke for 5 days after the treatment. This is to avoid infection and to avoid the longevity of the pigment.

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